True Human Freedom (2016)

from $10.00

True Human Freedom: A Visionary treatise by Ano Tarletz Hanamana.

The Inspiration and Argument for GaiaYoga Culture

True Human Freedom is a pretty lofty title for a book!  If I saw that title I'd be pretty skeptical that the author was delusional and just regurgitating a bunch of new age fluff.  I can guarantee you that this is not the case here.  This is a clarifying and sobering look at humanity and how our cultures and cultural consciousness constrains and often warps our true nature and why we would be very well served to develop a whole and new sustainable and holistic culture and cultural consciousness that supports full expression and enjoyment of our humanity.

How did we get here? And now that we're in this very challenging situation as a species in what direction should we point the ship?  I hope you choose to explore this with me.  

With deepest care and passion, Ano Hanamana.

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