Nagdeo Music

The goal of Nagdeo is to inspire listeners to think/feel and consider how they live and give ideas towards living sustainably and holistically and to do that through powerful songwriting and fun, high quality music.

Besides developing The GaiaYoga Teaching and GaiaYoga Gardens and working a “day job” at the local farmer’s market, Ano has written over 120 songs in his life and his band Nagdeo has finished two albums to date.   The first is called Living The Dream(s) (2013) and the second, The Pan Piper (2018). (A third album already has the drums, scratch vocals, and scratch guitar recorded, but has awhile to go before all the other instruments are recorded and the album is complete.)

Nagdeo is a word from the book The Kin Of Ata are Waiting For You, and in the culture the book is about the word is used in a similar way that Shalom, Namaste, or Aloha is used.  The definition translates loosely to, “That which supports good dreaming.”  The culture of the book looks to their dreams for guidance in life and recognizes that the actions we take in life effect our dreams, so it’s very important to act in a way that encourages “good” dreams.

Nagdeo’s musical genre can be described as “progressive, shamanic, folk-rock!”  Ano’s song range from tongue-in-cheek pokes at the truths people might want to avoid, like I Party Naked (With My Friends) and Raw Milk Rebel, to sincere straight forward compositions like A Spirit Having A Human Experience and Oh, Weary Traveler, to mysterious and hypnotic grooves like Ambrosia (Niu Nucirfera) and What Am I Missing?, to full on progressive epics like the 19-minute A Trilogy.

While Ano has dreams of having a full-blown touring band and all of that, it’s quite likely that Nagdeo will mostly be a studio band that creates progressive shamanic folk-rock albums in the jungles of lower Puna, HI.

You can listen to some of these songs here and you can buy the albums for  either as MP3 files or as physical CDs with all the artwork and liner notes and lyrics.  We know buying music, especially music you’re not familiar with is a bit of a risk, so we offer a 100% money back guarantee if you don’t love the albums.  No financial risk to you:-) 

Here’s the first “single” from The Pan Piper, a invitation and prayer called Oh, Weary Traveler.  This song literally blew into Ano’s psyche in the early 1990s while naked doing a vision quest 50 feet up in a coconut tree over the wild coast of East Hawaii.

If you enjoy Nagdeo please let us know via email or by financially supporting our music.  And if you have marketing saavy, we’d love support in spreading Nagdeo music.

Listen up.