3”-4” Timbers


G. maxima

Max Ht: 45’
Max Diam: 4”
Min Temp: 28 F
Edible: yes ?

A gorgeous, cream-and-greeen striped, large-leaf, ornamental timber that has short culms for its diameter. High-quality, straight wood. A joy to see in the ground! Often mistaken for G. pseudoarundinacia, which is a much taller Gigantochloa with similar colorings and stripes. (We're now propagating "pseudo" and we'll have our first plants available by late summer.)


G. "Sumatra"(photo of young clump)

Max Ht: 45’ ?
Max Diam: 3” ?
Min Temp: 28 F ?
Edible: yes ?

A newer introduction that's a vigorous grower, with an elegant and classic look. It has stripes that start purple on the new shoots and fade to a creamy color. Probably a bit smaller than G. apus (but we're not sure). Expected to have high-quality, straight wood. Another in the family of striped Gigantochloas.


G. “Bali White Stripe”(photo of young clump)
Max Ht: 45’ ?
Max Diam: 3” ?
Min Temp: 28 F ?
Edible: yes ?

A vigorous bamboo with white stripes on its culms that's fairly erect and straight. A close cousin to the other striped Gigantochloas, with a similar classic appearance. An attractive plant, worth adding to a collection.


B. oldhamii

Max Ht: 60'?
Max Diam: 4”
Min Temp: 15 F
Edible: yes, delicious

This superbly-erect, straight, rapid-growing bamboo takes up less space than most smaller bamboos. Medium-sized, broad-leafed, dark green, clean appearance. Beautiful, straight timber, much used for furniture making and light structures. Makes a great windbreak and large hedge. One of the most-planted bamboos worldwide. A very dependable and useful timber.


G. apus(photo of young clump)
Max Ht: 60’
Max Diam: 4”
Min Temp: 27 F
Edible: yes

This strong and durable bamboo is the most-used species in Java for roof rafters. The dark, grey/green culms are slightly rough and hairy, erect or arching above, and full of elegant leaves. Young culms are split into a thin, strong fiber for weaving into “Tomplok” carrying baskets, grass-roof lashing, rope, and cord. Somewhat open-clumping. Very high quality, medium-size timber. An excellent



Max Ht: 70’
Max Diam: 4-5”
Min Temp: ?
Edible: yes

The Big-Island-born Hirose is extremely important as a structural timber. Very straight, clean, green culms come in easy-to-manage clumps. Wood is medium-to thin-walled, with superior strength and bug resistance. Looks just like B. oldhamii, except mature clumps don’t have branches down low. Da Kine!
